- Induction Year:
- 2019
- Affiliation:
- Women's Tennis
Goldberg is a 1951 graduate of Goucher College who made a name for herself in the tennis world after graduation. She was ranked fourth in the tennis circuit when she was a junior and then after eight years away, earned a No. 18 women’s ranking. She was selected to play the Maccabean Games and said one of the greatest thrills was walking into a packed stadium at Tel Aviv in 1961. She played Forest Hills Nationals eight or nine times, but her inaugural trip was one to remember. Goldberg never received an invitation to play in the mail, but her family still went to the event. A newspaper writer asked her how she did in her first round match, but she didn’t know what he/she was talking about. She was able to reverse the default and play her match and even made her debut by borrowing someone else’s tennis racket. In addition, she was the houseguest in Massachusetts of Hazel Hotchkiss Wrightman, for whom the Wrightman Cup, the tournament Goldberg was set to participate in, was named.