24 Eniyah Rodriguez
- Height:
- 5-3
- Year:
- So.
- Hometown:
- Virginia Beach, Va.
- High School:
- Landstown
- Position:
- DS/L
- m
- 12
- k/s
- 0.00
- h %
- .000
- a/s
- 0.11
- b/s
- 0.00
- sa/s
- 0.22
- d/s
- 1.00
- Played in 12 matches this year in 18 sets
- Hit 4 service aces and notched 18 digs
- Played in 24 matches and 62 sets as a first year
- Racked up 114 digs and had 19 service aces
- Played volleyball at Landstown HS
- National Honor Society member and Principals List student
- Biochemistry and Pre-Health major with a minor in Chemistry
- Daughter of Edwin and Alisa Rodriguez
Recent games
Season Statistics
Game Log - Offense
Game Log - Defense
Game Log - Serve/Receive
Career Stats: Offense
Career Stats: Defense
Career Stats: Serve/Receive
Splits Stats: Offense
Splits Stats: Defense
Splits Stats: Serve/Receive
News mentions

Gophers Sweep Trinity Washington Wednesday
October 4, 2023